NFT Players

Players will be one of the keys to determining the success of the teams.


Each player has a series of attributes, some fixed, and some variable in the short or long term. These are the personal attributes that define a player:

  • Rarity: Rarity of the players

  • Shoot (SHO): Finishing - accurate shot index

  • Speed (SPE): Movement speed - the player's left and right movement speed

  • Energy: Amount of energy per player

  • Level: After upgrading, there will be equivalent levels

  • Power (POW): The more physical strength, the better to push and push the opponent

  • Jump (JMP): Header - high ball contention


The condition of the Players refers to physical status, which decreases in parallel with playing time but can be recovered over time.

Player Condition and Exhaustion mimic the physical world, so players get tired and cannot take part in unlimited matches.

For every match played, a player’s condition will drop by 1 point. It's will take about 120 mins to refill 1 point of energy. On the other hand, the condition refills maximum within 24 hours is 12 points. This way, players can take part in around 12 matches per day.

You can purchase products in the shop using the $SOT if you wish to replenish your energy right away rather than waiting 120 minutes.

Total Power

You have a chance to win if your total power is equal to or greater than the bot's power as shown in the table below.

Last updated